You’ve gone through the process of becoming a coach, healer, or service based leader in your industry, but there’s one piece missing…
The clients.
On the rare occasion that you have a consult call or a potential customer shows up, the sale seems to fade away. And when it does go through, you wind up undercharging well below your worth.
It’s frustrating, exhausting, and straight up confusing.
You know you have what it takes to be the best at what you do, so why doesn't your client list and income doesn’t reflect it?
Sign up for the replay of this AMAZING free training
and take a huge step in turning your part time passion into a legit career.
During this free online training,
(happening under the Full Moon in Pisces)
you’ll learn how to go from shooting in the dark & hearing crickets to magnetizing your presence so clients are literally coming to you!
I will share the exact strategies that I use to maintain a thriving business, including a steady flow of clients, and a highly engaged audience.
I'll share with you:
+ How to get people to lean into your message and be hungry for more
+ How to attract your all-star clients, the ones who have you joyously jumping out of bed in the morning (even before coffee)
+ How to stay consistent with your marketing and the key to amping up your visibility factor
+ How to stay in your zone of worth and showcasing the value of investing in your services so that clients will be handing over their credit cards, so excited to work with you
+ How to avoid the “I can’t afford it” phrase during consultation calls
During this free online training, I will also lead you through a full moon clearing exercise to remove any of the long standing excuses and blocks standing in your way.
Danielle is a professional Urban Gypsy. She spends her days as a speaker, mindset coach, comedian, astrologist, and yoga teacher helping people nail down their purpose so they can start living the fabulous life they were always meant to!
You know what you came here to do.
Now it's time to do it.
Enter your name & email below and join me!
You've got nothing to lose except a free opportunity to gracefully step into all that you want....
If you can't make it live on September 6th at 8 PM EST, sign up and the the replay will be sent to your inbox promptly after we're done for your leisurely viewing pleasure.