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deep down, you know money & Being supported isn’t meant to be so complicated…

And yet, you find yourself in a constant run-around trying to make ends meet, figure out how to manifest your big dreams, and hopefully not fall short on the rent in the process.

Or reflecting back on the moments you do get that windfall of cash, it doesn’t seem to last long and you’re right back to where you started again. It seems that when it comes to your finances, it’s either feast or famine mode. And it’s hard on your spirit, your family, and your stress-levels to constantly be so ebb + flow.

You’ve witnessed other spiritual teachers and money coaches say it’s easy - that you just have to think rich and be a vibrational match for it… that if you put everything you want on a list, it will all come through like a universal registry from God…

Wow, you’ve hit the jackpot right?

So you’ve invested in the programs, journaled out your greatest desires, and maybe even put yourself out there once or twice, only to experience the same cycle of lack, it never working out, and feeling like you’re stuck in a bottomless pit of everything you don’t want.

THIS era of scarcity stops NOW.


One of my most heartfelt beliefs is that you (yes, YOU), came here for a specific reason with a distinct motivation to be a human on this earth here and now. And if that’s the case, then it also means that you likely encrypted a specific, soul-derived way for you to make money, feel fulfilled, and have your needs met in the process.

I like to think of it as the ‘Unique Celestial Imprint’ that you carry, and the more that you are able to open up and remember why you came here, the more you can piece together your soul blueprint for this lifetime.

Further, it allows you to understand your individual line of abundance - a heavenly trust fund that offers you the ability to take care of yourself and your dreams while assuring you that no matter what is happening in the world, there is a place for YOU to feel comfortable and safe.

I refer to this Soul Inheritance as the ‘Citrine Codes’ - and upon activation, you unlock the crystalline map to the universal treasure that is a major part of supporting your destiny.

Now, of course this all sounds great - and if your spirit is nodding in enthusiastic glee and ethereal recognition, you know you’re on the right track…

However before you can get to the gold, you’ve got to slay a few pirates that may have attacked your sacred birthright without your permission. These goal snatching bootleggers often come in the form of your family lineage, controlling work environments, swindling mindset coaches, misaligned romance partners, or perhaps it’s just the capitalistic, success hungry world with the running storylines that you’ll never be enough.

Further, you have to take a deeper look at your relationship to money as it currently stands. Sure you know you’d love to have more of it, however how are you treating what you do have? Where are you on the spectrum of respect and treating it like a valued resource? Are your finances on board with your plans or in complete opposition? Do you talk down to money or lift it up?

Hrmmm… coin for thought, yes?

These are all important questions to ask yourself as you get closer to unearthing your personal Citrine Codes, as well as getting those pesky pirates out of your boatload of desires (or should I say yacht-full?) once and for all.


I know, because I’ve been there.

I’ve gone from money always ‘burning a hole in my pocket’, to having to live off of oatmeal and take toilet paper from work to get by, all while carrying too much pride to ask for help or even believe I deserved it.

It wasn’t until finally honing up to my worth and understanding the true mean of self-acceptance + abundance that money changed for me. For 6 years I’ve operated my own full-time business, clearing over six figures every year.

I don’t believe in overnight success and I definitely don’t buy into ‘the secret’ mentality of wishing + waiting…

I believe in the willingness to trust Spirit enough to go to the depths of your being and face the shadows. For in order to see the light casting over the precious gifts + wealth within you, it takes bravery and support to become aware of what’s been covering them up all this time.

Enter the Citrine Code Experience.

Join me virtually for a workshop from a 7-star, luxury hotel that hosts some of the largest masses of precious Citrine stone in the U.S., along with other crystals, geodes, and natural minerals to assist in elevating your financial frequency, heal your money missteps, and awaken into the fortune that dwells within your exclusive Citrine Codes.

Either live or via video replay, together we’ll:

  • Uncover a totally different way to embody and expand your dynamic with money (it’s nothing like the cookie-cutter approaches out there!)

  • Discover the pirates in your life that have been stealing and giving away your soul income and natural gifts

  • Integrate how to go from a poverty to opportune thought process and how to handle the bootleggers when they try to overboard your dream ship

  • Cleansing your relationship with money and begin a healing, loving commitment

  • Embody the true meaning of an abundant reality through a guided meditation with channeled insight to unlock your ‘Citrine Code’

  • Witness what it looks like to live directly from your ‘Unique Celestial Imprint’ and allowing it to continue to open up on your behalf

  • Partake in an invocation, to welcome the presence of your guides to help you stay in alignment with your Truth as well as call in the next deposit of your universal trust fund.

  • Receive distant energy healing to release the burden money has carried for you and summoning new levels of prosperity and happiness

  • Have access to journal exercises to enhance your new way of abundance and deeper awareness into the blocks that hold you back

Available for instant access!

The logistics:

  • Workshop was recorded virtually from a high vibe suite within a crystal-infused former power plant

  • Instant access upon purchase


I was left feeling optimistic and energized having affirmed things about myself, plus I’ve learned a new way to embrace my debt. -Carol

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Danielle has helped me catapult past my fears of getting paid. I was coaching from a place of service, but not feeling worthy of making money. I now have a plan and not just a plan, but a plan that is working and feels true to my purpose in life. I am so grateful for her compassion and honest approach to empowerment. - Christi


I’m taking away a better relationship with money, more confidence in asking myself deeper questions, and the understanding the true exchange of money. - Tulsi

Who is Danielle?


Since 2015, Danielle drew crowds across the country as a confidence coach & speaker, stand-up comedian, astrologist and meditation teacher.

During the pandemic, she has pivoted beautifully and has supported an even larger community through her writing, teaching, IG musings, fabulous workshops, guided meditations, distant healing and soul journeys.

Danielle weaves her spiritual teachings into what’s happening now in our world (global pandemic, political unrest & divisiveness, structural racism, as well as harmful trends in the wellness community) and constantly models an ethical and mindful approach.

She also expertly reads astrology like the weather, and provides guidance for each portal, eclipse, retrograde etc. Among a multitude of other things, she teaches on the Aquarian Age, astral travel, Lions Gate, eclipses and all things cosmic.

Danielle is a triple Leo (sun, moon & rising) and leaves her students completely grounded as well as fired up on their path. Her humor, her edginess, her capacity to hold space, and her willingness to do the deep work for herself before guiding others is truly unparalleled. Danielle is a spiritual powerhouse and is the real deal.

as written by Dr. Allison Dru Chabot, photo credit Christopher Cieri