Join Danielle for an opportunity to be informed, receive cosmic insight, and be lead on an experience to access your inner teacher and guide so as to fully evoke the new season.
Embody the Solstice and why we are moving out of the darkness into the renewal of light
Understanding the 12 days of Yule and how to partake in this sacred tradition
Embark in a guided visualization to enter into the Solstice portal to witness your own personal rebirth and opening up to the next chapter of your life
Create a Yule/Solstice altar to cleanse the home, banish negativity, and open up to prosperity for the 12 days leading up to the New Year
Ritual to melt away your troubles from 2022
The experience will be live on the Solstice, 12/21 at 7:30pm EST - replay will be available shortly after. You may also add on a distant healing at 10pm EST to further benefit from the magic of the season.