"You can long for something that didn't happen the way you wanted or channel your energy to create your future."



I may Spiritual but I’m not a Saint…

I am dedicated to helping you achieve a deep sense of satisfaction and meaning in your life. By dismantling the barriers imposed by external opinions and societal timelines, I empower you to experience happiness, health, thriving, and a profound sense of purpose.

As an International speaker, as well as an Executive coach, intuitive Advisor, and meditation guide, i bring a diverse set of skills and expertise to my work within this field.

I spent a large part of my life trying to fit in and play it safe. And instead of expanding, it diminished my greatness and left me feeling boxed in, misunderstood, and alone. It wasn't until I found the courage to get clear on my desires and move forward that everything started to lift and change for the better. It’s my mission to give you that same permission to facilitate a life of your dreams and beyond.


I strive to get you to make a change today.  To stop worrying about what other people think; and to start finding out what is holding you back from moving into your desired dreams.  I allow you to create the space to be more decisive and dismiss the dread, worry, and overwhelm. I work with you to get over the disappointment and regret attached to your life, and move past your fears so you can move ahead into happiness, satisfaction, and true success. Within you lies a brilliant light that may have been dimmed by years of misdirection and doubt. But I know, deep down, you believe in your boundless potential and are capable of so much more. Now is your moment to seize the opportunity and make anything happen.  What would it feel like to wake up and trust the day ahead? And further, make it one that exceeds your wildest dreams?

Who am I to help you?  I’m the one that has so been down and out many times before.  I was the continuous hot mess wishing and hoping for a miracle.  I grew up knowing there was a greatness inside of me, however the outer limitations and restrictions that society presented constantly wore me down. In my early twenties, I moved to a major city, seeking that fabulous independent lifestyle. However, just because I found a pace I enjoyed didn't mean I knew who I was truly meant to be.  My world revolved around the confusion of what being an ‘adult’ represented.  I was plagued by the constant fear of missing out on what others were doing, and I subjected myself to self-judgment and repetitive cycles of ridicule because I didn't feel like I measured up to the timelines society dictated.  To escape these worries, I resorted to distracting myself with reckless spending on things I couldn't afford—indulging in nightly drinking excursions, binge eating, smoking, or extravagant shopping sprees. I sought anything that would provide a temporary rush of stimulation or escape, momentarily easing my anxieties. I even cracked jokes about one night stands to entertain my friends, pretending that I was living an optimal life. But deep down, it all felt meaningless, and my problems still lingered in the sobering light of the next morning. The only things evolving in my life at that time seemed to be my expanding waistline and mounting debt. I constantly wondered, "When will it be my turn to finally find a sense of belonging and live a life that holds meaning?"


It’s true when they say you have to fall even deeper than you thought possible in order to create change.  I reached a point where I fell even deeper than I thought possible—a moment of desperation that shook me to my core. It was after experiencing a sexual assault at a friend's wedding that I found myself sobbing on my drunken knees, scraping against the bottom of my personal rock.

It wasn't solely because my friend was getting married while I remained single. It wasn't because a boy I had feelings for didn't reciprocate them. It wasn't even solely because someone took advantage of me in that vulnerable space. No, the depths of my despair stemmed from a much deeper place. I was lost, completely unaware of who I truly was, desperately searching in a realm that felt painfully empty. I carried the weight of blame for everything that went wrong, even when it wasn't my fault. Each time I envisioned the future, all I could see was an overwhelming darkness. I had become so numb to the pain and confusion that consumed me, causing my soul to cry out for help in a profound and undeniable way. It was a wake-up call I couldn't ignore, urging me to finally listen.

I had two options: I could either adopt a cat and see how that lifestyle panned out for me, or I could muster the courage to seek the help and support I needed.

Spoiler alert: I chose the latter, and it was one of the best decisions I ever made. I discovered that I had been avoiding any meaningful connection with my true inner self. It became clear that if I didn't address this avoidance, I would forever seek external things to heal or distract myself from the pain within. It was a profound realization that true help and transformation could only come from being willing to listen to the guidance deep within me. Taking that leap of willingness to explore this concept further marked a significant turning point in my life. Letting go of my old lifestyle, even though I knew it was no longer serving me, was challenging. The voice of my fears persistently tried to hold me back. However, as I delved deeper into getting to know and befriend myself, the process became easier. With the loving support and encouragement during times of setback or discouragement, a whole new world began to unfold before me. I learned the true meaning of self-care and started embracing it in my daily life. As I cultivated a stronger sense of self-compassion, I noticed a shift in my experiences and the people who entered my life. I began attracting more positive encounters and meaningful connections. It was as if the universe responded to my inner transformation, guiding me towards a path filled with greater joy, fulfillment, and authentic relationships.

For the first time EVER, I was in love with me. 

“What I wanted was always there, I was just looking the wrong direction and at everyone else.”

I came to the deep seated realization that every experience I went through, no matter how challenging or uncomfortable, was essential in leading me to my true calling. It became clear to me that my purpose is to inspire and guide others who may feel uncertain, trapped, or ashamed, showing them that there is an alternative path available to them. The depth of what I went through was more than worthwhile, as it solidified my conviction that I am meant to be a compassionate coach, empowering teacher, and empowering speaker.

In spite of my readiness, my business didn’t grow overnight as I envisioned. While I was prepared to serve the world, no one knew who I was or how to find me. It was disheartening to put myself out there as a coach and receive little recognition in return. I found myself trapped in a cycle of seeking external validation, doubting my coaching abilities, and feeling limited and unstable. It felt reminiscent of hitting rock bottom, but this time, it was while pursuing something I deeply cared about.

I was about to hit my breaking point. Balancing my demanding corporate job in New York City drained me. I felt confused and unsupported while knowing deep down that I was destined for so much more.

“I wasn’t ready to give up, but I prayed for another way.”

That way came shortly after, when I saw Gabby Bernstein, a best selling author and coach, speak for the first time. Her radiant energy and unwavering passion for life filled the room, leaving both myself and the audience spellbound. On that transformative day, I realized that a brand new chapter was unfolding before me. Inspired by Gabby's influence, I made the decision to join her Mastermind program, where I found myself embraced by a supportive community of individuals who were also embarking on the journey of building their own heart focused businesses. It was within this empowering environment that I discovered invaluable tools and learned to surrender to a force greater than myself, allowing it to guide my path forward. I made a resolute commitment to take my role as a coach and speaker more seriously than ever before. It was no longer merely a belief that I was destined for this work; it became an unwavering trust deep within my being. 

And it marked the pivotal moment where everything changed.

I integrated my renewed passion for Astrology into my coaching sessions, adding a unique and powerful dimension to my work. I also pursued certification as a Kundalini Yoga and meditation teacher, deepening my ability to guide others on their transformative journeys. With a newfound sense of liberation, I shed the fear of judgment from others and shifted my focus towards pursuing opportunities that brought me true joy. It was a profound realization that the more attention and energy I dedicated to the things I loved, the more my business flourished. Miraculously, the most ideal clients began gravitating towards me, drawn to the authentic expression of my passions and expertise.


By fully committing to myself and embracing my true calling, I courageously bid farewell to my corporate job and embarked on the path of running my own thriving business.

It has been 8 remarkable years since that momentous decision, and I am grateful to witness how wonderfully my needs are met and how consistently supported I feel by my work. Every day, I am humbled by the profound transformations that have unfolded simply by immersing myself in a state of gratitude and flowing with the abundant blessings that continuously manifest.

As a multifaceted intuitive advisor and executive coach, I seamlessly blend various modalities in my work. Whether I'm providing Hypnosis + Astrology readings, conducting virtual courses and workshops, or facilitating distant energy healings via The Cosmic Channel, my ultimate goal is to empower you and ignite transformative shifts in your life.

Together, we will embark on a journey of self-awareness, guiding you towards a sense of accomplishment. I firmly believe that everything is possible, and I am here to remind you that if you don't invest your time in something you love, you may inadvertently waste it on something that doesn't truly fulfill you. It's time to break free from coasting and start living fully in the present moment, embracing the endless possibilities that await you on this extraordinary path of self-discovery.

Curious to discover how we can collaborate? Take a look at the range of services and offerings on the website to find the perfect match for our journey together.

With an extensive background, my credentials include being a trained life coach through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and a practitioner of past life and Soul Regression through the hypnotherapy learning hub.

I am also certified under Gabby Bernstein's Level 1 & 2 Spirit Junkie Masterclass, a KRI 200-hour Kundalini Yoga certified teacher, and have studied Shambhala Path meditation. I have completed trainings in yoga nidra, restorative yoga, and utilizing the gong for sound baths. Additionally, I am a Reiki practitioner, an alumni of Marie Forleo's B-School, trained in comedy improv, and a member of Toastmasters International.

Geographically, this work has granted me the incredible opportunity to travel and reside in various locations, including periods of nomadic life. Through these experiences, I have gained a deeper understanding of different cultures and perspectives, enriching my ability to connect with clients from diverse backgrounds.

Since 2021, I have chosen to settle in Greenville, SC, where I continue to expand my practice virtually and contribute to the local community.